
Click Help Alliances in Mobile Strike

Click - Help Alliances in Mobile Strike

Click Help Alliances in Mobile Strike Game

Chf is a free click helps alliance

If you need help in growing your power in mobile strike, consider temporarily joining a Mobile Strike Help Alliance? 

A "click help" alliance works by way of you joining their alliance, and along with other players everyone clicks to help you with completing your research tasks.

Depending on your current stronghold power level up to 25 free help clicks can be provided, this is really beneficial in reducing the research time on your own items, especially so if the other members in your own alliance are not online, or are not active players!

Looking for a good click help alliance in Mobile Strike? 

Do a search in the Mobile Strike tab for Chf   

Chf are a free clicks help alliance that regularly has 80 to 100 players within at any one time, all helping each other by clicking on and speeding-up research tasks.

Grow Power Fast:

To grow your power fast in Mobile Strike you have several routes that you can take, but one of the fastest and best ways to grow your power is by way of completing Research as often and as fast as you can.

In mobile strike the top level research categories are:

  • Economics
  • Combat
  • Traps 
  • Commander
Within these categories are sub categories such as construction, food production, stone and oil production, and lots more.

As soon as these categories are researched your power level will start to increase steadily, that's why it's important to get as much help as possible from an alliance that is regularly online, and also active at helping it's members.

Join and leave when your research is completed

A benefit in joining a help alliance is that you can join and leave as soon as your research clicks have been completed. All you need to do is temporarily "leave" your existing alliance, join a free clicks help alliance to get your research help - and then leave and rejoin your own alliance again.

It's worth sending a mail to your alliance leader (or a R4 rank member) before you leave to join a free clicks help alliance though, just so they know you intend to rejoin afterwards!

Joining a free helps alliance as a permanent member

Occasionally you may be able to join a clicks helps alliance as a permanent member, and if you get the chance it is well worth considering.

By having lots of players actively contributing to undertaking Research regularly it can really speed-up your own growth in the game.
